Published Photography

Sal Virji Photography Published photos
I’m really pleased to share that a few my long exposure images have been recently published. The name of the book is

“Les secrets de la pose longue”.

Christophe Audebert “thank you “ sincerely for the choosing me as a photographer amongst many, I feel truly humbled and privileged. Being part of this journey, and sharing a space next to

  • Joel Tjintjelaar
  • Julia Anna Gospodarou
  • Yucel Basoglu
  • Hans-Peter Deutsch
  • & Nenad Saljic ……
It’s is a dream come true.

"Les secrets de la pose longue"

The Publication is currently available online and can be purchased by clicking on the below link. 
Les secrets de la pose longue available in three languages. French, German and Italian 

Additional Published Photography magazines below

"Hues & Pixels Publication"

You can find my images on page 103, 104 & 105. 

Do take a moment to have a look at some of the other wonderful work captured by other photographers as well. 

I would like to Thank the Hues & Pixels team for selecting my work. Thank you 

Hues & Pixels Issue 01 Vol: 02 August 2020

Sal Virji Published images in Hues & Pixels Magazine long exposure photos

Photography publications online at Capture Mania, Camerapixo magazine
available at issuu magazine